Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day 5

So a raining day here in Charlotte, NC did not stop me from going grocery shopping. Wow! That monthly grocery trip always makes me tired. But oh well gonna do it.

I did wake up this morning kind of sad, but I know my momma would not want me to be down. So I dusted my self off and tried to kick start my day again. I had to keep telling myself, " You are going to have a great day." And you know what I did. I worked out for an hour, I cooked and awesome healthy dinner for my family, and now I'm watching boxing on Showtime.

Here is my day 5 video:

 Memorableheart burned 668 calories doing 60 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Running 3.5 mph"
Plus 32 calories for light weight lifting today.

Weekly Total / Goal   Minutes189 / 150   Calories Burned   1,733 / 1,540

Yes! I went over my goal for this week. YAY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So now I added drinking warm water mixed with lemon and honey at night. It has a lot of benefits. Especially if you are trying to lose weight. I am still drinking green tea three times a day.

So tomorrow's plan is to rest. Yep, rest day. I am still going to write down what I eat on And not eat after 8 o'clock. My daughter is keeping me on track with that. But overall, I feel great!

My blood pressure reading is: 135/100 without medicine.

My bottom number is crazy but it takes time. It drops more when I lose 10 to 20 pounds. Also gotta keep my stress levels down. Count to ten and let it go....................................

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